Rain Garden Fairview Maintenance, mulching, planting, signs, fences
This event has ended
Sunday, June 18th, 2023
to (Eastern Time)
Near Fairview Park In Altoona. Rain Garden Is Connected to Holy Trinity School., 424 Wopsononock Ave, Altoona, PA, 16601 Map
Near Fairview Park In Altoona. Rain Garden Is Connected to Holy Trinity School., 424 Wopsononock Ave, Altoona, PA, 16601 Map
Public Welcome Garden Installation/Maintenance
Our mission for the day is to create an educational and fun experience for the 4th graders in planting Native edible and ecological plants that serve a function in the rain garden.
The Rain Garden is divided into two section my a street. We planted in November with the 4th graders. Now we will be maintaining the Rain Garden with signs, tree guards and mulch, along with putting some new plants in as City LawnCare crew hit our PawPaws and other plants with weed eater. I don't want to see this happen again so I plan to have an event with other members and open to the public on whoever wants to join to make this place more intentional