Events Archive: 2022 | 2023 | 2024 | 2025 | Upcoming Events
April 2023
First Board meeting Members Only
Members Only Chapter Meeting
Our first board meeting as a Seedling Chapter. We will be planned Event Calendar, introduced ourselves and duties in our position on the board, and discussed Chapter By Laws.
Earth Day - Nature Works Park - Presentation Table
Nature Works Park - Earth Day Educational Event, 108 Bedford St, Hollidaysburg, PA, 16648 Map
Public Welcome
We will have an Educational Table at an Earth Day educational event at Nature Works Park.
All Wildones members are welcome. Any Members that attend are welcome to take turns with me standing at the table information display board table I crafted up, and interacting with viewers that pass by wondering what The Wildones Non-Profit is all about.
If you would like to help me out with this we can meet a day before the event on zoom or in person and I can introduce you to the educational presentation board I created for our WildOnes Chapter. I am always open to ideas and for it to change as the seasons progress. The board itself is velcro so the display board is adaptable.
If you would like to come to Nature Works Park for EarthDay and not stand at the educational table or only for a little bit, that is cool too. I have plenty of practice with this because my girlfriend and I had an educational table at many farmers markets and festivals last year.
Wild Nourishment
Public Welcome Hands-On/How-To Workshop Free Public Parking
A communal gathering celebrating the return of Native Plant allies and wild food of Pennsylvania.
June 2023
Rain Garden Fairview Maintenance, mulching, planting, signs, fences
Near Fairview Park In Altoona. Rain Garden Is Connected to Holy Trinity School., 424 Wopsononock Ave, Altoona, PA, 16601 Map
Public Welcome Garden Installation/Maintenance
Our mission for the day is to create an educational and fun experience for the 4th graders in planting Native edible and ecological plants that serve a function in the rain garden.
The Rain Garden is divided into two section my a street. We planted in November with the 4th graders. Now we will be maintaining the Rain Garden with signs, tree guards and mulch, along with putting some new plants in as City LawnCare crew hit our PawPaws and other plants with weed eater. I don't want to see this happen again so I plan to have an event with other members and open to the public on whoever wants to join to make this place more intentional
July 2023
Fairview Rain Garden Maintenance
Public Welcome Garden Installation/Maintenance Free Public Parking
Weeding, mulching, and progress evaluation. A Maitainece of Rain Garden Planting from earlier this year.
August 2023
Community Rain Garden Maintenance and Native Plant Observation
Public Welcome Family Friendly Hands-On/How-To Workshop
The Rain Garden needs one more large group maintenance weeding before we can begin to plant some more native Wildflowers shrubs and trees in the Rain Garden. Getting to see all the new blooms and growth of plants we installed in the spring and last winter plus the insects and birds that were brought to the garden will be great to observe the progression!
September 2023
Seed Collection September
Public Welcome Group Tour Free Public Parking
Meeting at Rain Garden In Fairview then car pooling to different sites in Altoona area with Native plant seeds like Joe Pye Weed, Boneset, Cardinal Flower, Echinacea, FoxGlove, Iron Weed Etc.
October 2023
Fairview Rain Garden Planting with 4th graders Members Only
Members Only Garden Installation/Maintenance Free Public Parking
Like last year, we will be planting more Native Plants at Rain Garden with the 4th graders, now 5th graders from Holy Trinity school.
"Creating and Managing Landscapes for Native Bees" with Heather Holm
Hosted by Wild Ones NationalOnline/Virtual
Public Welcome Free Event Program/Speaker Presentation
Join Wild Ones Honorary Director Heather Holm as she explores the nesting habitats, life cycles, pollen collection, brood rearing, and general characteristics of some of the most common native bees in eastern North America, while highlighting the pollination of native plants and the mutualism between native plants and native bees.
When creating and managing thriving habitats for native bees, many factors such as seasonal phenology, nesting strategies, and flower preferences must be considered—and with approximately 3,600 species in North America (north of Mexico), there are many unique aspects to keep in mind when managing successful landscapes for bees.
Ducansville Memorial Park Rain Garden Planting
Ducansville Memorial Park
Public Welcome Garden Installation/Maintenance Public Restroom Free Public Parking
Rain Garden Planting with help of the Mayor of Ducansville and other people from the boroughs council.
November 2023
Seed Collecting
Blair County
Public Welcome
Members come together to collect seeds from Native Plants at various meadows around local area.
"The Gardener's Guide to Prairie Plants" with Neil Diboll and Hilary Cox
Hosted by Wild Ones NationalOnline/Virtual
Public Welcome Will be Recorded Free Event Program/Speaker Presentation
Join us for an enlightening webinar featuring authors, Neil Diboll and Hilary Cox, as they present their latest book, "The Gardener’s Guide to Prairie Plants." This comprehensive compendium is a treasure trove of knowledge for gardeners looking to incorporate native prairie plants into their landscapes. Neil and Hilary will delve into the making and application of this essential guide, sharing rich historical and ecological insights about prairie ecosystems, all while showcasing stunning images of prairie flora.
December 2023
PawPaw Patch/Food Forest Tuckahoe Park
Public Welcome Family Friendly Free Event Hands-On/How-To Workshop Garden Installation/Maintenance Wheelchair Accessible Free Public Parking Lots of Physical Activity
We will be prepping a site for a future PawPaw Grove to be planted in a Food Forest Design with other Native Plants along Mill Run Creek by Tuckahoe Park. We must clear Invasive Border Privet shrubs that have taken over the understory of a Walnut Grove where PawPaws and other Native Plants can benefit this ecosystem.